Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Touching base

On the reading front (books that is, not the town, Reading - which btw, I wish I could attend their next concert of the Orchestra, they're playing Barber Violin Concerto and Brahms' First Symphony!) I'm almost finished with the Guarneri 4tet book by Steinhardt and am up to 1922 in the Deems Taylor bio. Excellent stuff!
On the music front, practice is going well, read through Dick's new Nocturne that we're premiering Saturday - very good music. Also Bach is going well, nothing like it for good practice, so many things to work on, it's good. Fingers feel right.
Found an amazing sale at Burlington's and bought too many shirts and sweaters - another good thing really. Also restocked the pantry/freezer now that I'm back with a trip to CostCo last night. Yum.
Still getting back into the swing of things after being out of town. Good trip and all in all, very good. Travel picks up quite a bit starting this weekend.

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