Sunday, August 20, 2006

Twice as nice

It was a very relaxing weekend, and a delightful one, not filled with hurrying and scurrying; rather with friends.

Friday a great artist, came up from his home near DC and played guitar live in the studio, in addition to his interview about his forthcoming cd. It was great to catch up with Ernesto, and we were able to enjoy a cigar, have dinner and chat with friends.
{pictured: Ernesto and Johnny outside Friday}

Saturday, had a few more errands, but also brought the arrival of a close friend I hadn't seen in about five years. She came down from Rochester and again, it was relaxing and fun. We ended back at the restaurant I'd been to the night before - not a bad thing, Cafe Fresco has a diverse and varied menu. We also made it to Brownstone Cafe the next morning in Middletown, and a nice walk along Fort Hunter on the Susquehanna.
{pictured: Jann and John at dinner}

This remains to be busy with packing at home and lots of production for Composing Thoughts at work. Friday I'll interview Christopher Rouse.

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